alright! this is john kohler with discountjuicers.comgot another exciting episode for you and this is one many you guys may have been waitingfor. what we're going to do today is we're goingto use the all-new slowstar juicer i like the slowstar juicer for a few reasons numberone it's currently the lowest rpm juicer available in the usa runs at 47 rpms so in general thelower the rpms the higher the nutrition quality in the juice. so i like that a lot. i've been testing it works really well onthings like leafy greens and hard veggies.
it's kind of so-so at juicing fruits, butoverall i liked it and another reason why i really like it and it's really handy isbecause of this guy right here. this next one is called the homogenizing attachmentor mincing attachment and what this allows you to do is make things like peanut butter,frozen banana sorbet, also known as banana ice cream which is no cream. it's just using 100% banana other frozen fruitsorbets even things like salsas and grinding up various ingredients that you use in yourkitchen. now the reason why i like the slowstar isbecause it actually includes this attachment. the majority of the other vertical singleauger machines on the market do not have an
attachment such as this and you kind of fudgedoing the homogenizing with the juicing screen, but it makes a mess and in some cases it mayactually void your warranty and i don't necessarily recommend it because it gets messy. i recommend you guys use the proper machinefor the proper use when it has the right attachments. so slowstar only machine that currently includesthis attachment so i like that a lot. so you're getting really - two items for theprice of one you're getting a homogenizer mincer, kind of semi food processor, but thisis not still not a food processor. it does processed foods in a way similar toa food processor, but to get a totally different texture that's new and unique and that's whyi’m here to share with you guys today.
so as you guys can see we've got the juicersetup for the standard juicing you know and what we're going to do is to take this juicerapart it's very easy to disassemble. we're just going to go ahead and take thismachine all apart this the whole juicing apparatus here and we're going to set that to the sidebecause we're not gonna need it. and lately we've been using the slowstar onlywith the mincing attachment actually to see how it worked before i made this demo foryou guys so what this attachment is very simply a two parts here for the attachment that comeon it off like that and the auger. so this by far is the easiest homogenizingattachment to clean that i’ve ever seen. literally, it's just three parts and theseparts are very easy to clean at that.
so how you do this you put this on the machinehere like this kind of locked in a place there is a built-in safety switch in the slowstarjuicer that if it is not properly assembled it will not turn on. so you need to assemble it properly. next we're going to put the auger right inthere slide right in then were going to put the top on. there's a little dot on the top here thatyou're going to line up with the dot on the top of the housing. line it up and then rotate into place andnow you're all assembled.
so what we're going to process in this firstis frozen bananas. so it's frozen bananas it allows you to makefrozen banana sorbet. so frozen a sorbet or raw foodies may callit frozen banana ice cream, but there's no cream there is a hundred percent bananas,so instead of eating ice cream with all kinds of additives whether it's corn syrup, monoglycerides,and different added food coloring and preservatives. i want you guys to eat more fruits and vegetables. so in this way you can now eat frozen bananasor other frozen fruits instead of the ice cream this is going to reduce the amount ofcalories you're eating also reducing the amount of processed foods you're eating but increasethe amount of fresh fruits your eating or
frozen fruits. so how do you get the frozen bananas becausethey don't really sell them they would oxidized really fast what you're going to do is you'regoing to go down to the store and buy some ripe bananas. so ripe bananas tend to be spotted and a littlebit soft. they might even want to be a little more spottedthen you're looking at here on the video. and what you're going to do is you're gonnaget them and try to buy them when they’re in the bag like they have the bags when they'relike half off because for the store they're over ripe and sometimes they're not even ripeenough and i just buy it when they're that
in their half off they're really cheap sometimesyou get our pennies on the dollar. you just what you do is you’re going togo ahead and peel the bananas like this and then you're going to put in a some kind ofcontainer so i like to use like a little glass container with a plastic tops so my bananasdon't freeze in plastic although you can use tupperware or something else you don't haveit right you can you zip lock bags or you could use a foodsaver whatnot. you’re going to take a bit of just put itin there put in the freezer you're freezing your freezer rock-hard very important bandsare rock hard otherwise this is not going to work and if you are making banana ice cream,don't take it out of the freezer then you
know talk for ten minutes like i am and thentry to do because then you're gonna have a mush instead of a nice texture frozen bananaice cream that we all like. so next all you need to simply do is takethe frozen bananas out of the freezer and then we're going to turn the machine on. once again it's the nice quiet running machinewe're going to take the frozen bananas you want to make sure they're still hard and theseare some hard bananas let me tell you ladies. we’re going to drop that right in and whatyou're going to see come out it's going to mush up the banana and it's basically goingto come out in a sorbet like consistency. now some machines do this task better thanothers.
looks like the slow start doing to a goodjob on it now if you just do this you'll have straight up banana ice cream but hey if youwant it a little more fancy you can take what i'm taking here it's actually some uh raworganic carob powder and you're going to take some of that and just put like a little spoonfull in to the machine as you feed in another banana and check it out as you can see thebananas ice cream is kind of white and now as you guys can see check it out coming outmore chocolatey so you can also add the chocolate or the carob right in afterwards and thenyou're going to basically mix it up as well. alright so as you guys can see just mixingsome carob. check it out here's some of the deliciouscarob banana ice cream i just made.
mmm man with that carob stuff tastes justlike chocolate to me i don't advocate that you guys use raw cacao, cacao or even chocolatethey do contain theobromine which in my opinion is not a good thing and i think it's evenfar too much. chocolate needs to be sweetened in order toeat it because normally its bitter so if you add just the carob, the chocolate powder tothis recipe is going to taste nasty. you have that extra sweeteners to compensatebut the care of you get that fresh off the tree it's ever so sweet as a nice chocolatyflavor to your banana ice cream if you want something a little bit different. so that's how the slowstar juicer could makesome banana sorbet.
definitely looks really good definitely goodtexture and the one hint i want to give you guys is once you make it don't let it sitaround don't refreeze it you want to make it and eat it and enjoy going out to eat. wow that banana carob sorbet or ice creamwas delicious. next we're going to do is show you guys howyou can make some nut butter with the slowstar juicer. i mean that's what the homogenizing attachmentdoes it literally crushes up and homogenized everything into a nice fine grind. now if you're expecting to get something likethis stuff you know this is like store-bought
tahini which is actually ground-up sesameseeds you know get that out of your mind right now because this machine nor any other juicersthat i've tested will make this style nut butters or seed butters as in the case oftahini. especially on the sesame seeds the seeds areso small that they just don't really get crushed in these machines. these machines are better for doing like acrunchy style peanut butter and the peanuts would actually work really well. the reason why the peanuts worked really wellespecially the roasted peanuts is because of a high oil content when nuts roasted inoil number one they're adding oil number two
the oils are out of the nut so when you putit through the machine you're putting through a nice oily fatty mixture and then it comesout and it congeals and sticks together really well. if you do a raw nut for example, like almonds,then the almonds don't have a high oil content if they're raw and you literally would justget crushed up almonds more like an almond meal because you know it's not sticking andclubbing together. one of the ways to solve this is you can addactually oil to it and then that will get it to stick together so if you're doing almondsyou would add almond oil. i don't necessarily like doing that, addingoil to the things i’m eating.
so what i do instead i take the almonds thatare ground up and put it back through the machine and i have videos on youtube joinme like putting it back through the machine like six additional times every time you putit through the machine additional time it gets ground up more and for some of that oilout of the nut that you're grinding so it does stick together a little bit better eachand every time but there's a point where it’s useless to continue to feed it and even atthat point it will not turn out like a nut butter so that get that out of your mind,but it will turn into something that's easily spreadable kind of spreadable like that. another solution that people do do is theyactually add water to the nuts before they
process them that actually gets to stick together,but if you do this then your nut butter will not store. if you do not have water you know this stuffis actually some of the best up nut butters you can buy it's actually by a regenerativefood low temp ground a person or get your nut butters will store if you don't have waterif you add the water then they will have a propensity to mold and then you should usethem within a day or two in my opinion. you should not store that for any length oftime. if you do not add the water and only add theoil or don't add any oil at all it will store for you know i don’t know, good 3-4 monthsin your fridge no problem whatsoever.
that being said because you have your ownmachine to grind your own nuts or seeds what you should do now is only grind as much asyou need for that sitting so if you're making a toast you want to put nut butter and toastjust make it up your toast and then clean the juicer up and you know make some morelater that's what i recommend just like when your juice and you want to make the juicedrink it you want to make you order to make juice for the next week and then stored inyour fridge and then drink it later. the nutrition goes down and once you exposeyou know the nuts to air and crush them all up then they can go rancid. so anyways what we're going to demonstratetoday is two things first we're gonna demonstrate
the macadamia nuts and these are just rawmacadamia nuts and then for a comparison we're going to show you guys some of the plantersnuts here so we get actually deluxe whole cashews these are our roasted and salted andactually this is cashews and peanut with cottonseed oil and sea salt. so when you know grinding your own nuts it'sdefinitely better to use a roasted nut than a raw nut because it's just going to workbetter that being said i know many people are on what's called the raw foods diet sothen you want to use a high oil content nut and actually macadamia nuts are one of thehigh oil content so that means you're going to make a better nut butter out of it.
not a big fan of cashews. i'd rather i have you guys eaten macadamianuts are a lot more healthy in my opinion. so i guess with that let's just go ahead andturn this machine on and we'll put these macadamia nuts through the machine we are going to process16 ounces of macadamia nuts that are in incased in this little like a tahini style or metof a nut butter jar and we're going to see how much this actually compresses down orgoing to get back in here when we're all done. so first we're going to turn on the machineand then we're just going to slowly add or nuts. now don't just dump the whole thing all thenuts at once.
just do a few at a time you're going to letthe machine work. so as you guys can see it's crushing up themacadamia nuts in there and check it out we almost got a nice macadamia nut crumble becauseit is just literally crushing up the nuts. it's not really making a butter yet so we'reprobably going to have to repeat this and put it through a few times. alright so as you guys can see we basicallygot a crumbled macadamia nut. so this is not quite the butter consistencythat i'm looking for so what we're going to do is we're gonna put another container downwe're going to pour this back through the machine now it's kind of sticking togetherpretty good but it still i mean i would not
nearly consider this a nut butter by any means. it's it's still pretty coarse. now we're feeding it through again we feedit through again the machine will continue to work on crush up and try to get some ofthat oil out of the nuts. alright so second time through and definitelycongealed much better, but still not quite that butter i'm looking for. so let's switch this out and go third timethrough. and the thing that i want to say about thisis that you know we're putting it through this machine right it's running a little 47rpms if you really want to make a nut butter
you want to get a juicer that runs at highrpms they actually do the nut butters better because actually add heat when you're processingyour nuts. these machines because it right in a lowerrpm they do not add heat and so this makes the whole grinding process a little more tedious,but also will preserve more of the nutrition in the food. so third time through is a charm. let's go ahead and turn this off as you guyscan see it's working better it's even sticking together better, but it's still not that butterconsistency i'm looking for. so let's go for a fourth time through.
turn that on let's run this back to you againdefinitely sticking better together now. it's definitely less to a process throughthere. and i want to give you guys the close up ofone actually this the macadamia that the process macadamia nuts as are coming out every timethey come out you can see just a little bit better that it's actually sticking togethera little bit more. alright that was a fourth time through. this is all stuck together pretty good we'regoing to go ahead you get this stuff out and as you guys can see the volume is actuallyreducing each and every time we process the that's because it's sticking together moreand more.
fifth time, now we've got big chunks thatare kind of going in here. i like the macadamia nuts like this. they would be excellent to add some like somedates and put in some dates they’re really good. looks like now the because it is kind of gettingmore buttering stick together we're going to actually have to use the pusher to pushit in the machine. another thing i want you guys to notice thatthese up bowls were completely like clear and now they're kind of get a little bit oilyon the inside because the machine is finally grinding getting some the oil out of the nuts.
as you guys can see after the fifth time it'sreally sticking together much better, but it's still in my opinion not a butter so we'regoing to go ahead and put it through again. presto change-o change it out. put it through another time so this is thesixth time going through. once again we will have to use the pusherhere. alright as you guys to see this is comingup almost a butter texture nice and stuck together. yes it's not a super fine macadamia nut butter,but maybe a tiny bit crunchy actually going to go ahead and try some of this stuff.
it's pretty stuck together pretty well thereya. wow, it's definitely a high fat rich deliciousbutter to get stuck to the top of my mouth now. this stuff is better than peanut butter man. alright so that was a sixth-time. let's go seventh-time. see how that's going to work as you guys cansee inside the machine it looks like it's really ground up inside there now. working really really well.
alright so now we're going to shut the machineoff i think we're pretty much good. i mean that this has done quite a good job. i could sit here for another bunch of timesbut it's a getting actually quite fine now. it's really stuck together quite well as well. we're going to go ahead and disassemble thismachine and show you guys actually inside the machine what it looks like after makingsome nut butters. as you guys can see this machine this partis actually fairly clean and inside here all there's ground up nuts everywhere and so we'regoing to go ahead and to take this guy off and we're going to pull the auger out. andi would just take this and clean it off man
there's still a lot of nut butter on hereso what i like to do is i like to go ahead and put it over the catch container and justbrush all my nut butters in. macadamia nuts man that could run like mmmthat's good you're like 18 bucks a pound whole foods man so don't let any of this stuff goto waste. we got most of the nut butter off the auger. one of the things like to do this when i'mcleaning his store the auger upside down on the feature housing and this nut butter soyoil it's actually leaving oil marks on my table cloth that's how well the slowstar actuallyextracted all the oil out. don't forget about this piece here there'sstill a lot of nut butter in there.
just going to carefully go in with the backsideof the flat side of a knife has not scratch the plastic and very carefully remove my nutbutter that's stuck in the housing here. alright so i just got it out all the macadamianut butter out of the housing we're going to go ahead and reassemble because we're goingto do those cashews next. next what i want to do is i want to take thisstuff and i'm gonna pour it into the jar to see how much nuts nut butter we actually madebecause this jar was full of the macadamia nuts beforehand and we're just going to goahead and store this macadamia nut butter in the fridge. right so i just about got all the macadamianut butter out of this measuring cup into
our storage vessel or glass jar here. always recommend you guys store things inactually glass and real materials vs plastic i just like it a whole lot better. anyways it looks like we got all the mac nutbutter in there. some of the stuff i was scooping out it'sreally fine some of it's a you know not know i wouldn't say it's too coarse now we're justgonna crush this down and compress it all together a good tool to do that is the tamper. guys you guys can see we started with thefull container and probably got about sixty-five percent of the container filled back.
i mean it's definitely solid and going tothe final taste test for the magnetic supporting them on the cashews there it is stuff prettygood man. i'd say it's definitely like that little bitfiner texture than that crunchy peanut butter laura scudders like to have the kid i waslike natural without all the attitude my parents won't let us have that as kids. man this stuff tastes far better. you got to get the slowstar to make your ownfresh macadamia nut butter is definitely the bomb. so what we're gonna do now is we're goingto reset the machine up so we're going to
just put the order back in put the top backon put our bowl they're going to take these roasted cashews take our top off roasted cashewswith some peanuts in there turn this machine on and see how they process roasted nuts. right as you guys can see it brushing up theseroasted nuts and you guys can see is coming out once again more like a little flower thenactually nut butter. so what we're going to do is put it back througha couple times like we did on those mac nuts. once again came out pretty clean. kind of like you know not quite a butter yetat this point. once again if you're sticking anything intothe machine like this you want to make sure
it off. i'm just doing together you know some of theground nuts out of the ejection port. next we're going to go ahead and switch bowlsout and we're going to pour this mixture through again and show you guys this is actually stickingtogether better than the macadamia nuts first time through but still you know definitelynot a butter yet. it definitely working a lot better on theroasted cashews and peanuts. sticking together significantly better thanthe raw macadamia nuts. but once again you will have to put this throughmultiple times to get it to be that nice sticky consistency that you're looking for.
alright so second time through worked up actuallya lot better than the macadamia nuts a second time through the oil just a getting releasedfaster on these guys then the actual macadamia okay i'm going to switch this guy out turnit back on again and a third time through as you guys can see the cashew peanut buttercoming out pretty good stuck together actually quite well taking less time now this is basicallybecause the these nuts have a lot higher oil content so it's sticking together and concealingmuch better than i met the raw macadamia nuts once again turn this guy on and let's seewe get this time check this out i mean we got a little blobs here of the cashew peanutbutter. alright so now i'm having to use the pusherwith the slowstar the nut butter is not crumbly
enough to actually just going in self feed. it’s sticking together so much that i needto now use the pusher here and as you guys can see it's coming out nearly almost allstuck together. alright so let's change it out one more timeand three feet all the nuts for the machine once again now it's really stuck togetherto see the literally chunks of the cashew peanut butter going into the machine now. it's really getting in there drying up ifyou just look into the housing here i mean literally that looks like a nut butter inthere just round up and so step together look really good as it's coming out here it's reallyreally stuck together now significantly better
than all the time before it and it might bealmost ready, but nonetheless it's still just not like the nut butters from the store. so let's change this out one more time andput it back through and check it out we really reduced the amount of material we have andlook now it’s still in one big chunk there. gonna feed that right back in the machineso we get it to stick together even better i check it out it's almost like flowing outand dripping out but not quite i think if we put it through one more time you almostmight have that semi liquidee texture go ahead and turn this guy off get through one moretime so we get switched the bowls out turn it back on no it's really easy to feed becauseit's literally all stuck together and big
globbers and now it's really to get in tobe that butter consistency now nice and find a little warm man do this a couple more timesyou probably have the stuff like the store. every time you keep grinding it down keepsgrinding down further and further extracting more wells and making a nice softer smoothercleaner texture. let’s go ahead and turn that off let's goahead and get this stuff out against more difficult to get the stuff out because nowit's smearing versus just coming out easy that's definitely a sign an indication thatthe oils are definitely coming out now. switch this guy out one more time put it throughagain we're pushing the cashews and peanuts once again through the slowstar machine tomake our nut butter and i think the eyes finally
have it as you guys can see man. this is almost that buttery consistency we'relooking for. it’s nice and a smooth texture and niceand aromatic now actually it's we really reduce the volume now of the nuts. i mean we start out with the 8.5 out the nutsnow we have this literally delicious butter that's sticky and gooey now. i mean this stuff is sticking to my handsall over so i think i think we're about done on this one it definitely worked quite well. go ahead and turn this machine off so that'show easy it is to make frozen banana sorbets
or frozen banana ice cream and the nut butterswhat you do need to feed through multiple times to get it to congeal perfectly and onceagain it will never really turn out like the store-bought stuff so you want to get thatidea out of your head at this point, but it will do a good job at grinding and crushingthings up especially put it through multiple times. we've made things like salsas in here withtaking raw eggplant and put through their makes a nice texture another episode i’llactually be putting through rock average to grind up to make it delicious sauerkraut imean there's so many different uses you can do with the mincing attachment so hopefullyyou guys enjoyed this episode learning more
about the slowstar mincing or homogenizingattachment these are just two of the many things you can do with it. it's definitely awesome machine you can juicealso do all these things with the mincing attachment it's definitely a machine you probablywant to consider adding to your kitchen hopefully you guys enjoyed this episode once again myname is john kohler with be sure to visit special promotional offers for our youtube visitors. this is john kohler with discountjuicers.comtoday we have another exciting episode for you and let's get ready to juiceoff, i meanrumble.
wait, wrong show so what we're going to dotoday is we're going to a juice off comparison between the bella nutrapro and the tribestslowstar juicer.
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