hello i'm doctor john fitzgerald and get readyto learn with my nutrition advisor. i'm going to go over a great seminar thatwe give that goes over the details of the superfood smoothie challenge based on loweringcholesterol. it's important to know this class is not a replacement for advice from yourdoctor. discuss this class with your doctor and comeup with a plan with your doctor to implement the strategies covered in this class. yourdoctor recommended that you eat more of certain foods because those foods have been shownto have specific health benefits in studies. this presentation is addressing how to incorporatespecific foods and vitamins for specific health conditions based upon what doctors want theirpatients to eat.
let's start off by going into a cholesteroloverview. there's two types a cholesterol. good cholesterol, which is called hdl. badcholesterol, which is called ldl. good cholesterol helps remove bad cholesterolfrom your arteries, is comprised mostly of protein. you want your hdl levels to be high. highhdl levels are linked to lower risk of heart disease. bad cholesterol other hand contributesto plaque that can clog arteries and make them less flexible. ldl comprises about seventy percent of thecholesterol that circulates in the blood stream. it is comprised mostly of fat.
cholesterol comes from two sources. your bodyproduces it naturally, primarily in the liver, and you consume it in foods from animal sources,such as meat, poultry, dairy products. cholesterol is an essential fat that providesstability in every cell of your body. think of it this way, your brain is covered in cholesterol,your nerves are coated in cholesterol, your cell walls contain cholesterol. cholesterol is very important to your body,but what's really important beyond that is to have a proper ratio of good cholesterolto bad cholesterol. too much cholesterol can form plaque betweenthe layers of artery walls making it harder for your heart to circulate blood.
high cholesterol is one of the major riskfactors for heart disease. the number one killer of women and men inthe united states. each year over one million americans die fromheart attacks and one-half million die from heart disease. what are the prescription treatments, wellstatin drugs. statins block the enzyme in the liver that is responsible for making cholesterol. there are many common side effects to statins. headaches, nausea, vomiting, constipation,diarrhea, rash, weakness, liver damage and muscle pain. the most serious side effectsare liver failure and rhabdomyolysis, which
creates muscle damage and kidney failure. there are also links to memory loss and increaserisk for lou gehrig's disease, diabetes and even cancer. this is why your doctor would like you tofix your cholesterol levels with your diet if possible so they don't have to give youa statin drug in the first place. never stop taking medication without firsttalking to your doctor and developing a plan to get off the medication if that's what youand your doctor would like to do. natural treatments. your goal should be tokeep your ldl levels low naturally to avoid the many side effects of statin drugs.
so what does your doctor recommend that youdo? well, there's five things. number one, fix your diet. number two, exercise.number three, quit smoking. number four, keep a healthy weight. number five, reduce stress. the six-hour window. eating all your food in a six-hour windowhas great benefits for weight loss and some good benefits for lowering cholesterol. first off weight loss. when you eat your bodyspends a few hours processing that food and burning what you just consumed. during a fastedstate, your body will use your fat, which
is stored energy, for energy. your metabolism actually increases in a fastedstate and your body naturally detoxifies itself while in a fasted state. cholesterol, in a 2011 study, research showedthat fasting reduces cholesterol levels. fasting causes the body to release cholesterolallowing it to utilize fat as a source of fuel instead of glucose which is sugar. we highly recommend the six our strategy forpeople who need to lose weight and give this advice as an optional recommendation if youonly need to lower your cholesterol. the question that i frequently get asked isthis.
but i thought eating five to six times a daywas really good for me when i want to lose weight? well that is something that businesses invented.they want to sell you protein shakes, protein powders bars, all these ingredients. just think about this, does it make senseto you at all, that eating all day long is a good weight loss strategy? really? you're smarter than that. don't letthese big companies fool you into this nonsense. superfood smoothies and cappugreenos. smoothies have been around actually sincethe nineteen thirties and they originated
in brazil. in the nineteen seventies they became morepopular and by the 2000's, it was a multi-billion dollar industry. the problem is this, smoothies have becomeless healthy throughout the years. the first smoothies contain basically fruit,fruit juice and ice. now, they commonly contain yogurt, syntheticprotein powders, sugar, artificial sweeteners, flavored syrups. the thing to know is this. smoothies can bethe healthiest meals you will ever eat, if you use the right recipes and utilize superfoods.
there's many different definitions for superfoods, but what is agreed upon is that certain foods have higher nutrition levels and healthbenefits than other foods. for example, let's take a look at two thingsthat contain vitamin c. oranges, everybody knows oranges contain vitaminc. one cup of sliced oranges contain 95 milligramsof vitamin c. the other fruit is an acerola cherry, whichis a west indian cherry. one cup of acerola cherries contain 1,644 milligrams of vitaminc. so you can see from this example, acerolacherries are considered a superfood and oranges are not.
a superfood smoothie is a smoothie that containssuperfood. this can be the healthiest meal that you will ever eat. a cappugreeno is a superfood smoothie thatcontains coffee. the nutrition and health benefits of yoursmoothie are highly dependent upon the recipe and ingredients you're using. if i was you, i would stay away from a bunchof artificial stuff in my smoothie. i would avoid artificial sweeteners. i would avoidflavored syrups. i would avoid these things that just aren't good for you. it goes againstwhat you're trying to do with the superfood smoothie.
i always get asked this. should i take mysuper foods in powder form or fresh form? what's the difference? well i am going togo through that in a second, but first i want you to know, just think about the price. it's very hard to get a lot of these superfoodsin fresh form, such as spirulina, acai berries, goji berries. these things, the costs can escalate drasticallyif you get them in fresh form. where the powdered form, it's a much moreeconomical and easy way to do things. powders are created by dehydrating the fresh ingredientor juice. the powder is a condensed version of the freshingredient since all the internal water has
been removed. the conversion of fresh ingredients to powderform varies by ingredient. for instance, wheat grass, which is a super food that we use,can typically be seen as a thirty to one ratio. that means that 30 grams of fresh wheatgrasswill result in one gram of powder once the water has been removed. what are the nutritional differences betweenthe powder and the fresh forms? well, raw powders keep enzymes alive justlike the fresh form. the powder is a condensed version so there's a lot more nutrition packedin because it’s condensed. this means that you would have to consume way more fresh formthan powder to get the same amount in nutrition
in your body. also think about this. make sure that youconsume organic powders only. the reason is this, pesticides. pesticides also get condensedin powders. so you're consuming a lot of pesticides ifthe powder that you're using is not certified organic. the minimum effective dose is basically theamount of the ingredient that it takes to show a benefit to you. what window dressing is, this is a cleverthing that a lot of companies use. well you pick up a package and there's 50,60, 70 different ingredients on there but
the problem is this, they all contain sucha minute amount, that it's so small that it doesn't even matter. it's a trick of the industry. the my nutrition advisor products each containten to eleven different superfoods but there in a nicedose for you. we don't use window dressing on our products. a pill or capsule typically has 1/2 gram ofpowder inside. think of it this way. a 24-ounce superfood smoothie or cappugreeno,has 20 grams of superfoods in them. this is equivalent to 40 pills.
imagine how much raw ingredient this wouldconvert to. 40 pills equal 2 tablespoons of superfoodpowder from my nutrition advisor. it is so much easier to put raw superfood powders inyour drinks and boost up the nutrition value rather than having to sit down and swallow40 pills. wouldn’t you agree? we like the superfood smoothies in our dietbecause they provide a huge blast of low-calorie nutrition that really can make a differencein your overall health. there are certain foods have benefits forlowering cholesterol. different foods have been shown to do thingslike this: provide hdl cholesterol, which
naturally reduces ldl cholesterol. have lipid-lowering effects. lipid is fat. have vasoprotective effects that alleviatescertain conditions of the blood vessels. have anti-atherogenic properties. that means,it stops the formation of plaque in the arteries. contain high fiber, which reduces your ldlcholesterol. remember, what i'm talking about is foods that have these benefits. they help block the absorption of cholesteroland they contain nutrients shown to help lower ldl cholesterol. help your arteries. contain antioxidants thatprevent oxidation of ldl cholesterol.
so we want to strategically eat the foodsthat can cause these benefits. there's a website called pubmed.gov it is a government website that contains tonsof research. what i did was i went to this website and i pulled research and i listedit on these next two pages. this is why your doctor wants you to eat specific foods. thisis the reason, right here, let's look at beets. beets have high nitrate content and are responsiblefor the vasoprotective effects. beets significantly reduce ldl cholesteroland increase hdl. beets are found in both the ancient chocolate and ancient berry superfood mix. they are also added as a fresh ingredientsin some of the recipes but just take a second
and pause this and read through the recipesand you'll be impressed to see how many of the super foods that we use have benefitsfor cholesterol. this slide has a lot of the other foods thatwe use to make smoothies and you can see that some of these things have a lot a researchbehind them. let's look at almonds. almonds reduce biomarkersof lipid peroxidation in older hypolipidemic subjects. what that means, is it reduces the problemsof fats oxidizing in older people that have fat problems in their blood vessels. i knowthat's a lot of wording, but what this is showing off of pubmed.gov is there's a researchbehind eating almonds helping the inside of
your arteries. just go ahead and pause the slide and readthrough the rest and i'm sure you'll be impressed and you will begin to realize why we use allthe ingredients in some of the recipes for super food smoothies that we're going to giveto you. here's a list a superfood smoothies and cappugreenosfor lowering cholesterol. some other recipes that are known to support people with highldl cholesterol levels. you can see here, i've listed 18 smoothiesto choose from, that all have a lot of regular foods and superfoods that are highly beneficialfor your overall health and there's research behind some of the ingredients on pubmed.so you know you're going to be eating the
types of food that your doctor wants you toeat for your cholesterol levels. here is an example of an energy cappugreeno. the ingredients with check marks are shownto benefit people with high ldl cholesterol levels. we look here, we have beet root powder, chiaseeds, flax seeds, goji berry powder, hemp seeds, maquai, pomegranate. all of these ingredients are in the superfoodmixes. then we have coconut water, vanilla almondmilk, spinach, beets, basil leaves. it's great, because now you're making a delicioussuperfood smoothie and you have all these
ingredients in here to benefit your health,and it satisfies what your doctor is asking you to do. eat more fruits and vegetables that directlyaffect your overall health. lower cholesterol with the superfood smoothiechallenge. the superfood smoothie challenge lower cholesterolchallenge details. we divide this up into two parts. the firstfive days and then the next twenty-three days. the first five days detox. this five day detoxwill cleanse your body and significantly lower your calorieconsumption. by detoxing with smoothies, you keep the fiberfrom the food.
that'll help keep you full. the superfoodsgive a huge boost nutrition and antioxidants to give you rapid detoxification. the first thing that's required is you drinktwo superfood smoothies per day. number two: you do them, you drink them bothwithin a six-hour window. so you might have one at noon and one at six. optional recommendations are this: get 10,000steps per day. buy a pedometer. clip it to your pants pocket and make sure you're walkingleast 10,000 steps per day and optional recommendation number two is take cholesterol vitamins andsupplements. we will discuss that later. notes at the bottom. most people feel goodduring the detox, but some people detox too
fast and will not feel good. if you are detoxing too fast, then eat a saladusing balsamic vinaigrette as your dressing or vegetable soup or both, instead of drinkingone of your smoothies. so if you're detoxing too quick and you can’t handle it, you'rejust not feeling that great because all these toxins are coming out too quick. instead of doing two smoothies a day, do onesmoothie a day and a salad for the second meal. you can drink green tea, black coffee, regularsparkling water outside the six window. we just don't want to eat any calories or drinkany calories outside of the six hour window.
the next twenty-three days to lower your cholesterol. these 23 days will enable both short and long-termsuccess by training you to continually eat the right foods daily for long-term success. option a. if you need to lose weight do thisfor the 23 days. drink one superfood smoothie per day and eat one healthy meal per day. number three. drink your smoothies withina six hour window. optional recommendations: get a minimum of10,000 steps per day. continue to do that and do it your whole life. it's a big differenceon your overall health when you take 10,000 steps in a day.
number two. take cholesterol vitamins andsupplements. we will discuss that later. number three. here's some more notes. if youneed to lose weight you should be doing this. count your calories because total calorieconsumption should be less than 1800 calories a day for men and less than 1300 caloriesa day for women. track your calories to ensure you're not eatingtoo many calories for dinner. drinking green tea, black coffee, regularor sparkling water is allowed outside the six-hour window but don't eat anything ordrink anything with calories outside the six-hour window. now let's talk about option b. this is ifyou do not need to lose weight. we want you
to drink one superfood smoothie per day. eatone healthy meal per day. then for your other meal, you can eat anotherhealthy meal or another superfood smoothie. so basically you're going to do this, insteadof eating twice a day like option a. you are going to eat three times per day. optional recommendations. get 10,000 steps because whether you needto lose weight or not those 10000 steps will benefit your overall health. take the cholesterol vitamins and supplementsand lastly, the other optional thing to do is consume all your calories for the day inthe six-hour window.
after the challenge is over. what do you do? well, we're giving you thetools so you can be successful long-term. the benefit of doing what we're doing is,we're using a long-term solution, which is getting more nutrition into your body througheating the foods that you need to eat. so we're providing you with a long-term solutionfor a long-term problem, which is your cholesterol issues. you've already developed good habits, you'vealready started to eat the proper foods that your doctor wants you to eat, in the superfoodsmoothies. so we want you to continue to do this forthe rest your life.
we want you to work with your doctor. we want your cholesterol levels to be measuredand we want you to keep doing this for added success so you're always eating the rightfoods to help your overall cholesterol levels. there are optional vitamins and supplementsto support your cholesterol levels. number one. we have lipid-sirt. this is somethingthat was developed by doctors, specifically for cholesterol levels. number two. biomega-3, which is essentiallyfish oils. everybody knows this with that cholesterol levels you should take fish oils.this is a very high quality line of fish oils. the last thing i want to talk about is this.when you start to take supplements, you need
to get your doctor's approval first becausethe whole purpose of this challenge is to help you and your doctor work together byproviding a list of fruits and vegetables that your doctor wants you to eat and we put'em in superfood smoothies that taste delicious. so when your doctor says you need to eat ahealthier diet, you can start utilizing these superfood smoothies to get the fruits andvegetables that your doctor wants you to take. the other part of that is, there are certainsupplements that your doctor may want to take too. we list them right here and you can go overthem with your doctor and make sure that you're on the same wavelength about taking the supplementsto help your cholesterol levels.
we are very excited to provide you with thisinformation and we really want to hear your success stories. please get a hold of us. post them on socialmedia. send us emails. it really is great informationand great feedback for us, because our strategy is to provide you with the best possible thingswe can to improve your overall health.
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